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Menopause and Mental Health

The Mental health challenges linked to the menopause are frequently overlooked. 

Depression is common during the perimenopause and menopause. A recent article in The Guardian has revealed that “Perimenopausal women have a 40% higher risk of depression,” based on research involving 9000 women world-wide. 

How can depression and anxiety manifest in the menopause and how might this affect your colleagues at work?

While physical symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, and joint stiffness are commonly thought to characterise perimenopause and menopause, psychological symptoms can also be significant, such as anxiety, depression, low mood, loss of confidence, low self-esteem, lack of motivation and lack of interest in daily activities. The menopause is a vulnerable time for women in terms of their mental health and it can continue over several years as the menopausal transitional phase (including perimenopause and menopause) can last as long as 14 years.

Why does menopause cause anxiety and depression?

The years leading up to menopause and the transition itself can bring changes to your body. During the perimenopause women experience significant shifts in hormone levels and as oestrogen levels fluctuate this can cause changes to how you feelOestrogen can affect mood since the brain contains oestrogen receptors and therefore this could be a contributing factor to symptoms relating to mood as well as cognitive function. There is evidence that oestrogen is also linked to cortisol levels (stress hormone), so that when oestrogen levels drop, cortisol levels rise. Dr. Joffe, the lead author of a 2019 study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, “linked an increase in depression symptoms at perimenopause with fluctuations of two hormones, progesterone and estradiol (the most potent form of estrogen)”. Additionally, it’s widely acknowledged that stress and worry can exacerbate menopause symptoms.  

Insomnia and lack of sleep is a challenging symptom for many women during the perimenopause and menopause, and can cause tiredness, low mood and fatigue. This can trigger feelings of depression and anxiety creating a vicious cycle. In 2024, a study published in the Lancet examined sleep disturbances, stressful life events and a longer perimenopause can make women more vulnerable to low mood and depression during menopause. Dr. Joffe explains Sometimes the physical symptoms of menopause can lead to stress and fatigue, and those feelings can intensify emotions and affect mood”. 

However, we do know each menopause experience is unique and some may experience mild symptoms whilst for others this will be much more challenging.  

What our clients have said about their mental health and how it has affected them: 

“The sessions really helped my mental health a lot it. It was someone to talk to and I didn’t feel so alone. The conversations kept me motivated and made me feel more positive”. 

“I suffered from anxiety and insomnia. Insomnia caused me to struggle at work severely and made me feel depressed and anxious. I have a busy Senior job so coping with this was very difficult”. 

“My health coach was helpful, encouraging and supportive. I was given lots of advice on how to manage my emotions and balance it all out”.  

One of the most important things we have discovered here at MPower is talking helps. Mpower by Enable truly value the importance of taking about Menopause. Our Impact Reports show that employees feel less isolated and more supported at work when they can talk openly with colleagues, line managers and their HR department. Raising awareness and having conversations can help to normalise the menopause experience and reduce stigma within the workplace.  

Did you know?  

23% of women in UK employment are of menopausal age. If 40% are at a higher risk of depression that is a substantial number of women struggling at work during this life stage.  

Women of menopausal age are the fasting growing demographic in the workplace. This highlights the need to create awareness and provide support to those who need it in the workforce. At MPower by Enable, we offer valuable services for employees including one-to-one sessions, group coaching and Management training. We give staff effective tools to enable them to manage their mental health and therefore improving confidence, performance and engagement creating long lasting change, for them and for you. 

Book a call to discuss your menopause support needs.  




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