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The Role of Health Coaching

Today there is no doubt that Britain is facing a rising epidemic of chronic disease. The medical model was traditionally based upon a biomedical model of care without much thought to psychosocial determinants of health i.e. behaviour which has a huge influence on health outcomes[1]. Health Coaching is changing this paradigm.

Originating in America, Health Coaching is emerging as a growing discipline in the UK leading to significant health improvements. The evidence for Health Coaching is compelling and is associated with increased patient motivation to self-manage and adopt healthy behaviours leading to improved patient satisfaction and outcomes.

In January 2019 the NHS introduced its NHS Long Term Plan[2], a comprehensive model of personalised care with aims to provide more tailored care with a focus on the unique needs of individuals. This has seen Health Coaching emerge as a modality which encourages empowerment and patients to be part of their health care plan.

Enable have worked closely with the NHS, towards this person centred care model, and we currently deliver Health and Wellbeing Coaching within GP surgeries throughout the London Borough of Wandsworth, supporting patients at their practices. This service is making a successful impact to patients and since the inception of this service we have also run more specialised programmes, such as a Chronic Pain Health and Wellbeing Coaching service and our Menopause Health and Wellbeing Coaching service that we piloted over 6 months within the community.

Why we use Health Coaching to address Menopause

Menopause is a time of life with multiple demands on time and resources. Taking care of one-self is often the last priority after caring for family, children, and pets as well as attending to career demands. Health Coaching empowers the patient to take ownership of their health and wellbeing.

Working one-on-one with a specialised Menopause Health Coach helps the individual identify their goals which fuels impetus and responsibility. Such tailored intervention fosters self-efficacy and self-confidence at a time when self-belief is often at an all-time low. By supporting menopausal patients to make conscious, informed choices to improve their health, mood, productivity and performance is improved.

At MPower by Enable we like to bolster this personalised support with facilitated peer-to-peer group coaching which not only sustains behavioural change but fosters a real sense of community improving the work environment and reducing social isolation.

Heath coaching for a healthy workforce.

Health Coaching is a growing profession in the NHS and gaining traction in the workplace wellness schemes of forward-thinking companies too![3] Our pilot study and work highlight how integrating them into the workplace drives returns for recruitment and retention, productivity and leadership development.

Organisations rely on a healthy and productive workforce and this can be fostered with a strong workplace culture and effective policies for supporting menopause in the workplace. When studies show that menopausal employees are five times more likely to leave their jobs if they feel unsupported with menopause in the workplace, the right support ensures organisations do not lose knowledgeable and experienced staff members due to symptom severity.

We provide online GP access, so why invest in Health Coaching?

Menopause is not a one-size-fits-all experience; it affects individuals differently, so you cannot expect to support your employees with a one-size-fits-all ‘solution’. Health coaching is personalised to the individual which helps build motivation by focusing on changes that the client thinks is important, with the Health Coach supporting them along the way to reach these goals.[4] This makes a real difference, as the client becomes part of their own care plan, thus meaning they are more motivated to make impactful behaviour change, which will positively impact their menopause symptoms.

Health coaching involves active listening and questioning in a way that elicits a pathway that motivates and empowers the client to improve their health. By finding out what it is that concerns them the most and then uncovering why that is important to them e.g. exercising and playing with their kids.

This approach shifts the dynamic in clinical conversations; building personal self-esteem and resilience in your workforce.

Take a proactive approach to the wellbeing of your employees. Be one of the early adopters and book a call to discuss our 121 menopause health coaching and find out about the impact it can have on your employees’ motivation, resilience and connection at work.



[1] Transforming conversations and relationships using health coaching. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2024].

[2] NHS England (2019). The NHS Long Term Plan. [online] NHS Long Term Plan. Available at:

[3] Towards a Healthier, Happier Britain: The Case for Health Coaching. (2023). UK & International Health Coaching Association (UKIHCA). Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2024].

[4] NHS England (2023).  Supported self-management: health coaching guide. [online] Available at:



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Enable Health & Wellbeing Team

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