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A dedicated menopause coaching solution

What is our offer?

Women of menopausal age make up 23% of all women in the UK employment (3.5 million people) (Local Government Association, 2021).  Our holistic approach to menopause addresses key symptoms that women find highly disruptive to their lives and work. We focus on increasing their psycho-emotional wellbeing, reducing feelings of isolation and equipping clients in self-management, seeing them become an active participant in their own care to reach their self-identified goals.

Improving understanding of the menopause

1-2-1 Sessions

1-2-1 support is personalised to the individual and focuses on increasing wellbeing, reducing feelings of isolation, and increasing self-management, seeing clients become an active participant in their care to reach their self-identified goals.

Our 1-2-1 health coaching sessions are provided by a dedicated menopause health coach who can support individuals by exploring outcomes and goals, increasing autonomy and motivation, providing supportive challenge, exploring their current situation and options of change, support self-reflection to understand relationships and connections between their emotions, feelings and behaviours, increasing their knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them to move on and self-manage their symptoms where appropriate.

Menopause Champion Training

In addition to our 1-2-1 support we can provide tailored Menopause Champion training to your employees. Our CPD accredited training looks to empower your staff and improve menopause awareness, encouraging conversation and understanding the role of a Menopause Champion.  

Why have a Menopause Champion for your workplace? Based on research confirming the value of champion roles within a work environment, we can offer opportunities for employees to train as “menopause champions”. This will not only benefit employees and/or their loved ones who are experiencing the menopause, but also those that live or care for those with menopausal symptoms. It will encourage employees with lived experience to reach out to trusted menopause champion colleagues to access support, contributing to the reduction of potential sick days associated with menopause and potential work issues arising due to unsupported colleagues going through the menopause. 

Group Peer Support

Our 1-2-1 support can be provided alongside facilitated group peer support sessions. The sessions are delivered face to face and all clients are invited to take part if they wish.

The sessions look to encourage clients to share their experiences, positive or negative, with one another, discuss potential solutions, different ways to look at situations with one another by drawing on their own experiences. These sessions are great for client to share hints and tips they have found useful and are facilitated by our Menopause Health Coaches, to ensure a safe space and encourage healthy conversations.

“MPower by Enable’s service showed positive improvements in relation to both the physical and mental impact of the menopause on our colleagues…Occupational Health advised that any positive change in an individual’s health and wellbeing will in turn improve attendance and performance at work.”

Testimony from Wandsworth and Richmond Council (Diana Stovell, Health and Wellbeing Manager).

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Enable Health & Wellbeing Team

Battersea Park, Staff Yard Albert Bridge Road, London SW11 4NJ

Registered Charity Number: 1172345

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