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Alex Gear – Menopause Health Coach

A photo of Alex, one of our coaches.

Alex’s Story

I’ve struggled with my own health issues which is why I am so passionate about helping others to feel their best.

My menopause journey just quietly but frighteningly crept up on me. The brain fog, memory loss, sleepless nights, night sweats, joint pain, anxiety and lack of motivation left me feeling frightened and lost. To summarise, I was quite simply, not myself.

I know how hard it can be especially when we are surrounded by so much noise and advice but often have no idea which way to turn. It can be overwhelming as well as frustrating and here we support you to be able to see a way forward.

I do what I do because I’ve spent years surviving, rather than thriving. I consider it a huge privilege to be able to help and empower so many women to regain their health.

About Alex

Alex has a holistic approach to health and is an experienced health coach, Nutritionist and Naturopath. Her wealth of experience, understanding and compassion contribute to her ability to be able to help, support and empower clients.

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Enable Health & Wellbeing Team

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